Counseling resources

Are you struggling? If so, we want to help. We invite you to take advantage of a series of fully subsidized counseling sessions through a counseling service of your choice. To get started, please email

Alternatively, official Joy members are eligible to receive access to counseling at a significantly subsidized rate from Lighthouse counselors, all of whom are practicing Christians and licensed professional counselors. Please visit this page for instructions on applying.

We also have a partnership with Redeemer Counseling Services and highly recommend their counseling, recovery groups, leadership training, and online resources.

prayer ministry

If you would like to receive prayer for anything, please email and we would love to connect with you in prayer.

We also offer opportunities to receive prayer from our Care team after our Sunday worship service and at our monthly prayer & worship gatherings.

ABUSE Safeguarding

As a community, Joy Manhattan Church is committed to protecting the vulnerable, caring for survivors, and holding any who abuse power accountable. Our commitments come from God, who is a refuge for the abused and never ignores the cry of the abused (Psalm 9:9, 12). We seek to be a community where the city worships: a community that loves and helps one another. A key part of worshipping God and loving each other is embodying God’s heart for the vulnerable and the abused.

Abuse is a particularly grievous sin (and often a crime), when someone in a position of power and trust violates or exploits someone who is often powerless to stop it. Sadly, abuse is a common reality in this world. As Christians we cannot face abuse if we are in denial about the reality of abuse. Instead, Jesus calls us to be “wise as serpents.” (Matthew 10:16) We all must take responsibility to become educated about abuse and take responsibility to uphold our policy.

Our goal is to prevent and respond appropriately to abuse by becoming a community that is educated on various forms of abuse and common dynamics, clarifying appropriate boundaries, and doing the hard work of holding each other accountable. All persons should experience an environment of safety and justice and one that is free from any form of abuse.

For our full policy and protocols developed in partnership with GRACE, please see here.